I have been battling for the last few weeks to update my blog and it’s not through lack of activity but is more due to the fact that my laptop is tired. T-Rex and my laptop have something in common but if I didn’t know better, I’d say my laptop had something wrong with its immune system and has got multiple something…
It can’t multitask anymore, open more than one window and everything freezes. Speaking to my voice program is like talking to a brick wall, unresponsive and sullen and then we won’t talk about typing. I’m on a one finger mission and I keep miss hitting, miss-spelling and missing the point of the words.
Enough said, watch this space……
At the end of November I will jump, oops sorry, wrong word. I will allow the slipstream to pull me out of a perfectly good airplane a few Kms up above the two lakes of Interlaken.
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