So, not funny, someone or something over the last few days has nicked the sun and left us with mist and rain. My view of the mountains is non existent apart from the odd glimpse between tendrils of clouds towards the end of the day.
It’s one thing getting caught in the rain but for me to actually go out when it’s raining before I’m out the door is just not going to happen.
25 11 09
Blue skies were peering through the clouds this morning and then at about 9 the clouds drifted off. Sun shine danced near and far and the mountains came into sharp focus, the air was crisp and clear.
I was keen to get out and about but Miriam came up to me and reminded me that today was physio day. Hey! Have to pay for fun in this day and age.
So the morning was taken up with my routine on the Power-plate and passive manipulation of my arms and legs. Stretching the Hamstrings is the worst and can be quite painful.
After that, time was short as it was close to lunch time and so, I had to curb my enthusiastic escape plans yet again.
Mid afternoon came and I took flight out the front door and headed for the forest that I encountered on my first jaunt. I stuck to the tar road; I thought it might be prudent as with all the recent rain, I might just get stuck. Hey! I’ve a name to maintain in the home, playing in the mud, yes but being stuck in the mud, no way.
27 11 09
Gray skies are back and the roads are wet again. It’s a case of, put the feet up and dream and think of where I’m going to go next. There’s a new train that’s just been commissioned on the line that passes through Etoy and it’s wheelchair friendly. My area of wandering has just expanded, now to find someone to come with me for a ride.
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